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PowerShell | Network Connection Testing

PowerShell | Network Connection Testing 

We have a network connection error. But where in the line? is it the computer, switch, gateway, dns?

I made this quick script to start at the local computer and test outwards to see where the break in the chain is and when it does fail it brings up IPConfig /all to review your settings. I have thought about spending a couple extra mins to make this into a function. Msg me in the comments or email me and ill update it to be a funtion “Get-NetworkConnectionTest”

Test the IP and DNS connections. Starting at own system then moving outwards
Author. Luke Keam
Company Name. techgeek.biz
Published. on 1/1/2017 AUS
Version. 1
Copyright. Free for personal and commercial use. As long as reference kept.

Questions, comments, suggestions always welcome. Please email me.
Maybe verison 2 to be a function?

Website. techgeek.biz
Email. [email protected]
# Test LocalHost IP
Try {
Test-Connection -ErrorAction Stop
Test-Connection ::1 -ErrorAction Stop
Catch {
ipconfig /all
Write-Host “

Test LocalHost IP Failed!!!!
Review IpConfig /all Settings Above”
# Test Localhost DNS
Try {
Test-Connection localhost -ErrorAction Stop
Catch {
ipconfig /all
Write-Host “

Test Localhost DNS Failed!!!!
Review IpConfig /all Settings Above”
# Test DefaultGateway Credit to DWSR from powershell.slack.com for this one
Try {
Get-NetIPConfiguration | select -ExpandProperty ipv4defaultgateway | select -ExpandProperty nexthop | %{ Test-Connection $_ -ErrorAction Stop }
Catch {
ipconfig /all
Write-Host “

Test DefaultGateway IP Failed!!!!
Review IpConfig /all Settings Above”

# Test Google and OpenDNS IP
Try {
Test-Connection -ErrorAction Stop
Test-Connection -ErrorAction Stop
Catch {
ipconfig /all
Write-Host “

Test Google and OpenDNS IP Failed!!!!
Review IpConfig /all Settings Above”
# Test Google DNS and OpenDNS DNS
Try {
Test-Connection google.com -ErrorAction Stop
Test-Connection opendns.com -ErrorAction Stop
Catch {
ipconfig /all
Write-Host “

Test Google DNS and OpenDNS DNS Failed!!!!
Review IpConfig /all Settings Above”


Hope this was helpful 

Luke Keam
Thank you for reading. Any questions, comments or suggestions email me [email protected]
Luke Keam




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