Fix: Fatal error: Call to undefined function wp_cache_get()This happened to me when i tried to delete W3 Total Cache and what i did to fix it. Why this happened? My assumptionss, your website is using the cache from W3 and it doesn’t remove properly and you get left with internal broken links.
Lets fix In this guide you have to have direct access or ftp/sftp/ssh (please dont use ftp since its highly insecure )
Now I don’t delete files unless i have to. So i just rename them .delete. Just in case you need them again in a hurry you don have to scurry around and find a backup.
Backup your website! Always have a backup of your website in case something like this happens then your stress level is half? lol compared to loosing all of your stuff. I might write a guide soon on how I automatically backup my website.
Other guides are here for the same issue are here I hope they help if I didn’t |