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DreamHost & Django how to setup 2020

DreamHost & Django how to setup 2020   


Long story: I used Wordpress for my couple websites and found that I had lots of trouble with plugins and finding it just hard to use when I wanted something specific. I knew a little bit of Python and start searching around for alternatives and I found Django and Flask. Django “seemed” easier since it came with a lot of built in features compared to flask which is more barebones. A beginner programmer with not much knowledge of web application frameworks I took the plunge with Django


   How to get Django working on a DreamHost server


What you need? If you haven't signed up for DreamHost or on the fence about it try this affilate link dreamhost.com 

  • SSH access to your DreamHost server
  • I’m assuming you have put your Django project uploaded in ~/WEBSITENAME/django_project e.g. /techgeek.biz/django_project
  • Once you are logged in you can copy and past the whole thing! And it will take a few mins to setup. Or do line by line and watch it

# install python

cd ~

mkdir tmp

cd tmp

wget https://www.python.org/ftp/python/3.8.1/Python-3.8.1.tgz

tar zxvf Python-3.8.1.tgz

cd Python-3.8.1

./configure --prefix=$HOME/opt/python-3.8.1


make install

cd ~


# add to bash profile

export PATH=$HOME/opt/python-3.8.1/bin:$PATH

. ~/.bash_profile

# should show where it is installed

which python3

python3 --version

pip3 --version


# upgrade pip

python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip


# install virtualenv

pip3 install wheel

pip3 install virtualenv


# makevirtual env

virtualenv -p ~/opt/python-3.8.1/bin/python3 ~/prodvenv

source ~/prodvenv/bin/activate

python -V

python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip

pip install wheel


# if you have a requirements file

pip install -r requirements.txt



Additionally, you will 2 extra files and a folder

  • In your website directory eg techgeek.biz/
  • techgeek.biz/passenger_wsgi.py
  • In your passenger file


## Direct import

import sys, os

INTERP = "/home/USERNAME/prodvenv/bin/python"

#INTERP is present twice so that the new python interpreter

#knows the actual executable path

if sys.executable != INTERP: os.execl(INTERP, INTERP, *sys.argv)


cwd = os.getcwd()


sys.path.append(cwd + '/django_project')  #You must add your project here





os.environ['DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE'] = "django_project.settings"

from django.core.wsgi import get_wsgi_application

application = get_wsgi_application()



Next the webserver looks to this folder/restart.txt to see if it needs to be restarted

# folder


# file



Easy way to do this is

touch techgeek.biz/temp/restart.txt


Everything should be working…… should….   

What you can do to test and see the errors is launch the passagenger_wgi.py file, I actually discovered this by accident and its super helpful, it will show you what’s failing and where


# head to directory

cd techgeek.biz/

python passenger_wsgi.py


As I said this will give you some insight why possibly it’s not working


Hope this one was especially helpful for you

Luke Keam
Thank you for reading. Any questions, comments or suggestions email me [email protected]
Luke Keam




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